3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide — IP / IPX Chapter 3 IPX Configuration Commands
Table 3-2 Description on the fields of the display ipx routing-table command
Field Description
Dest_Ntwk_ID Destination network number of the route
Proto Protocol type of the route
Pre Route preference
Ticks Tick count of the route
Hops Hop count of the route
Nexthop Next hop of the route
Interface Outgoing interface of the route
# Display the detailed IPX routing information, including the active and inactive routes.
<3Com> display ipx routing-table verbose
Routing tables:
Destinations: 2 Routes: 3
Destination Network ID: 0x1
Protocol: Direct Preference: 0
Ticks: 1 Hops: 0
Nexthop: 0.0000-0000-0000 Time: 0
Interface: 1.0020-9c68-448e(Vlan-interface1)
State: <Active>
Protocol: Static Preference: -60
Ticks: 1 Hops: 1
Nexthop: 2.000e-0001-0000 Time: 0
Interface: 2.0020-9c68-448f(Vlan-interface2)
State: <Inactive>
Destination Network ID: 0x2
Protocol: Static Preference: 60
Ticks: 1 Hops: 1
Nexthop: 1.000e-0001-0000 Time: 0
Interface: 1.0020-9c68-448e(Vlan-interface1)
State: <Active>
Table 3-3 Description on the fields of the display ipx routing-table verbose command
Field Description
Time Route aging time; it is 0 for the direct and static routes, meaning
they never time out.