3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – System Maintenance & Debugging Chapter 3 Device Management
# Display the CPU usage of the card on slot 0 of the switch.
<3Com> display cpu slot 0
Board 0 CPU busy status:
18% in last 5 seconds
19% in last 1 minute
19% in last 5 minutes
Table 3-2 Description on the fields of the display cpu command
Field Description
CPU busy status Indicates that the following lines describe the CPU
occupancies in different time periods.
18% in last 5 seconds
19% in last 1 minute
19% in last 5 minutes
The CPU usage in the last five seconds is 18%.
The CPU usage in the last one minute is 19%.
The CPU usage in the last five minutes is 19%.
3.1.7 display device
display device [ detail | [ shelf shelf-no ] [ frame frame-no ] [ slot slot-number ] ]
Any view
detail: Detail information about the specified switch.
shelf-no: Shelf number of a switch.
frame-no: Frame number of a switch.
slot-number: Slot number of a switch.
Use the display device command to display the information, such as the module type
and operating status, about each board (main board and sub board) of a specified
You can use this command to display the following information about each board: slot
number, sub slot number, number of ports, versions of PCB, FPGA, hardware and
BootROM software, address learning mode, interface board type, and so on.