3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – QoS Chapter 1 QoS Commands
[3Com-Ethernet1/0/1] qos
[3Com-qoss-Ethernet1/0/1] traffic-limit inbound ip-group 2000 128
# Perform traffic limit on the packets matching the permit rule in ACL 2000 on
GigabitEthernet1/0/1 of a non-type-A LPU. The maximum rate is 128 kbps.
<3Com> system-view
[3Com] interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
[3Com-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] qos
[3Com-qosb-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] traffic-limit inbound ip-group 2000 kbps 128
1.1.23 traffic-priority Syntax
I. For type-A LPUs:
traffic-priority { inbound | outbound } acl-rule [ system-index ] { { dscp dscp-value |
ip-precedence pre-value } | local-precedence pre-value }*
undo traffic-priority { inbound | outbound } acl-rule
II. For non-type-A LPUs:
traffic-priority inbound acl-rule [ system-index ] { { dscp dscp-value |
ip-precedence pre-value } | { cos cos | local-precedence pre-value } }*
undo traffic-priority inbound acl-rule
LPUs support applying the combination of IP ACL rules and link ACL rules. However,
the field defined by the IP ACL rules and link ACL rules cannot be of more than 32
characters. Otherwise, the combination cannot be applied successfully.
QoS view
inbound: Performs priority marking to the packets received by the port.
outbound: Performs priority marking to the packets sent by the port.