Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Conditions This command requires a DPO4COMP application module.
Group Bus
Syntax BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DISplaymode {FRAme|PACKET}
Arguments FRAme displays each frame as a single entity.
PACKET displays a group of frames terminated with a single frame denedbythe
BUS:B<x>:RS232C:DELImiter command or the front panel.
Sets or returns the RS-232C parity for bus <x>, where x is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4COMP application module.
Group Bus
Syntax BUS:B<x>:RS232C:PARity {NONe|EVEN|ODD}
Arguments NONe species no parity.
EVEN species even parity.
ODD species odd parity.
Sets or returns the RS-232C polarity for bus <x>, where x is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4COMP application module.
Group Bus
Syntax BUS:B<x>:RS232C:POLarity {NORMal|INVERTed}
2-104 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual