Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax CALibrate:INTERNal:STATus?
Related Commands *CAL?
Returns This query will return one of the following:
INIT indicates the oscilloscope has not had internal signal path calibration
PASS indicates the signal path calibration completed successfully.
FAIL indicates the signal path calibration did not complete successfully.
RUNNING indicates the signal path calibration is currently running.
Examples CALIBRATE:INTERNAL:STATUS? might return
:CALIBRATE:INTERNAL:STATUS INIT indicating that the current status of the
internal signal path calibration is that it has not been run.
CALibrate:RESults? (Query Only)
Returns the status of internal and factory calibrations, without performing any
calibration operations. The results returned do not include the calibration status
of attached probes. The CALibrate:RESults? query is intended to support
GO/NoGO testing of the oscilloscope calibration readiness: all returned results
should indicate PASS status if the oscilloscope is "t for duty". It is quite
common, however, to use uncalibrated probes (particularly when the oscilloscope
inputs are connected into a test system with coaxial cables).
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
Syntax CALibrate:RESults?
Related Commands *CAL?
CALibrate:RESults:FACtory? (Query Only)
Returns the status of internal and factory calibration, without performing any
calibration operations.
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
2-116 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual