Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax HORizontal:DELay:MODe {OFF|ON|<NR1>}
Related Commands HORizontal:POSition
Arguments OFF sets the Horizontal Delay Mode to off. This causes the HORizontal:POSition
command to operate like the HORIZONTALPOSITION knob on the front panel.
ON sets the Horizontal Delay Mode to on. This causes the
HORizontal:DELay:TIMe command to operate like the HORIZONTAL
POSITION knob on the front panel.
<NR1> = 0 sets the Horizontal Delay Mode to off; any other value sets this mode
to on.
Examples HORIZONTAL:DELAY:MODE OFF sets the Horizontal Delay Mode to off, allowing
the horizontal position command to operate like the HORIZONTAL POSITION
knob on the front panel.
indicating that the Horizontal Delay Mode is off and that the horizontal position
command operates like the HORIZONTALPOSITION knob on the front panel.
Sets or returns the horizontal delay time (position) that is used when delay is
on (the default mode).
Group Horizontal
Syntax HORizontal:DELay:TIMe <NR3>
Related Commands HORizontal:POSition
Arguments NR3 is the delay in seconds.
Examples HORizontal:DELay:TIME 0.3 sets the delay of acquisition data so that the
resulting waveform is centered 300 ms after the trigger occurs.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-187