Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
This command sets or queries the trigger A logic threshold voltage for the
specied channel x.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:LOGIc:THReshold:CH<x> {<NR3>|ECL|TTL}
Arguments <NR3> species the threshold voltage, in volts.
ECL species a preset ECL high level of –1.3V.
TTL species a preset TTL high level of 1.4V.
Examples TRIGGER:A:LOGIC:THRESHOLD:CH2 3.0E-3 sets the A logic trigger threshold
voltage for Channel 2 to 3 mV.
:TRIGGER:A:LOGIC:THRESHOLD:CH3 1.2000E+00, indicating that the A
logic trigger threshold voltage for Channel 3 is 1.2 V.
Sets or returns the trigger A logic threshold level for the specied digital channel
<x>. This commands affects all trigger types using the digital channel.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:LOGIc:THReshold:D<x> {<NR3>|ECL|TTL}
Related Commands TRIGger:A:LEVel:D<x>
Arguments <NR3> species the threshold level in volts.
ECL species a preset ECL high level of –1.3V.
TTL species a preset TTL high level of 1.4V.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-437