Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
PASS indicating that factory calibration passed.
CALibrate:INTERNal (No Query Form)
This command starts a signal path compensation.
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
Syntax CALibrate:INTERNal
Arguments None
Examples CALIBRATE:INTERNAL starts a serial path compensation cycle.
CALibrate:INTERNal:STARt (No Query Form)
Starts the internal signal path calibration (SPC) of the oscilloscope. You can
use the CALibrate:INTERNal:STATus? query to return the current status of the
internal signal path calibration of the oscilloscope.
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
Syntax CALibrate:INTERNal:STARt
Related Commands CALibrate:RESults:SPC?
Examples CALIBRATE:INTERNAL:START initiates the internal signal path calibration of
the oscilloscope.
CALibrate:INTERNal:STATus? (Query Only)
Returns the current status of the oscilloscope internal signal path calibration for
the last SPC operation.
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-115