Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Math
Syntax MATH[1]?
Related Commands MATH[1]:TYPe
Examples MATH? or MATH1? might return :MATH:TYPE DUAL;DEFINE
Sets or returns the current math function as a text string.
Dual math is dened if the string is of the form <wfm> <operation> <wfm>,
where the <wfm>s are any combination of live channels or reference waveforms,
<operation> is any of +, -, * or /, and the MATH[1]:TYPe is DUAL.
FFT math is dened if the string is in the form FFT(<wfm>), where <wfm> is any
live channel or reference waveform, and theMATH[1]:TYPeis FFT.
Advanced math is dened if the contents of the string can be parsed by the
advanced math parser without errors and the MATH[1]:TYPe is ADVanced.
On the front panel, the Dual Wfm Math, FFT and Advanced Math menus contain
controls that allow building equivalent math expressions to those described above.
Group Math
Syntax MATH[1]:DEFine <QString>
Related Commands MATHVAR:VAR<x>,MATH[1]:TYPe
Arguments <QString> quoted string argument is the mathematical expression that denes
the waveform.
Table 2-40: Advanced Math expression elements
Expression Description
CH1-CH4, REF1-REF4 Speciesa waveform data source.
2-198 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual