Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples RECALL:SETUP FACTORY recalls (and makes current) the oscilloscope setup
to its factory defaults.
RECALL:SETUP 2recalls the oscilloscope setup from setup storage location 2.
RECALL:SETUP "TEK00000.SET" recalls the setup from the file TEK00000.SET
in the current working directory.
RECAll:WAVEform (No Query Form)This command (no query form) recalls a stored waveform to a reference location.
Group Save and Recall
Syntax RECAll:WAVEform <file path>,REF<x>
Related Commands SAVe:WAVEform,FILESystem:CWD,FILESystem?
Arguments REF<x> specifies a location in internal reference memory. Reference memory
location values range from 1 through 4.
<file path> specifies a location for an oscilloscope setup file. <file path> is
a quoted string that defines the file name and path. Input the file path using the
form <drive>:/<dir>/<filename>.<extension> and one or <dir>s are
optional. If you do not specify them, the oscilloscope will read the file from the
default directory (see FILESystem:CWD). <filename> stands for a filename; the
use of wildcard characters in filenames is not supported. Filename extensions are
not required, but highly recommended.
Examples RECALL:WAVEFORM "TEK00000.ISF",REF1 recalls the waveform stored in
the file named TEK00000.ISF from the current directory for waveforms to the
reference location 1.
REF<x>? (Query Only)Returns reference waveform data for the channel specified by <x>, where x is
the reference channel number.
Group Vertical
Syntax REF<x>?
2-318 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual