Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax ALIas {OFF|ON|<NR1>}
Related Commands ALIas:DEFine
Arguments OFF turns alias expansion off. If a dened alias is sent when ALIas is off, a
command error (110) will be generated.
ON turns alias expansion on. When a denedaliasisreceived,thespecied
command sequence is substituted for the alias and executed.
<NR1> = 0 disables alias mode; any other value enables alias mode.
Examples ALIAS ON turns the alias feature on. When a dened alias is received, the specied
command sequence is substituted for the alias and executed.
ALIAS? might return :ALIAS 1 indicating that the alias feature is on.
ALIas:CATalog? (Query Only)
Returns a list of the currently denedaliaslabels,separatedbycommas. Ifno
aliases are dened, the query returns the string "".
Group Alias
Syntax ALIas:CATalog?
Examples ALIAS:CATALOG? might return the string :ALIAS:CATALOG
"SETUP1","TESTMENU1","DEFAULT" showing that there are three aliases
Assigns a sequence of program messages to an alias label. These me ssages are
then substituted for the alias whenever it is received as a command or query,
provided that ALIas:STATE has been turned on. The query form of this command
returns the denitions of a selected alias.
NOTE. Attempting to give two aliases the same name causes an error. Togive a
new alias the name of an existing alias, the existing alias must rst be deleted.
2-74 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual