Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax DESE <NR1>
Related Commands *CLS,*ESE,*ESR?,EVENT?,EVMsg?,*SRE,*STB?
Arguments <NR1> sets the binary bits of the DESER according to this value, which ranges
from 1 through 255. For example, DESE 209 sets the DESER to the binary value
11010001 (that is, the most significant bit in the register is set to 1, the next most
significant bit to 1, the next bit to 0, etc.).
The power-on default for DESER is all bits set if *PSC is 1. If *PSC is 0, the
DESER maintains the previous power cycle value through the current power cycle.
NOTE. Setting the DESER and ESER to the same value allows only those codes
to be entered into the Event Queue and summarized on the ESB bit (bit 5) of the
Status Byte Register. Use the *ESE commandtosettheESER.
Examples DESE 209 sets the DESER to binary 11010001, which enables the PON, URQ,
EXE and OPC bits.
DESE? might return :DESE 186, showing that the DESER contains the binary
value 10111010.
DESkew (No Query Form)Causes the deskew values for all channels to be set to the recommended values.
Equivalent to pressing the "Set all deskews to recommended values" button in
the application UI.
NOTE. The actual deskew values for each channel can be set or queried using the
CH<x>:DESKew command.
Group Vertical
Syntax DESkew {SETALLtorec}
Arguments <SETALLtorec> sets the deskew for all channels to the recommended values.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-153