Command Groups
Commands Description
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:SELect|:SS}:POLARity Sets or returns the SPI SS polarity
BUS:B<x>:SPI{:SELect|:SS}:SOUrce Sets or returns the SPI SS source
BUS:B<x>:STATE Turns the specied bus on and off
BUS:B<x>:TYPE Sets or returns the specied bus type
BUS:LOWerthreshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the lower threshold for each
BUS:THReshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the threshold for a channel
BUS:THReshold:D<x> Sets or returns the threshold for a digital
BUS:UPPerthreshold:CH<x> Sets or returns the upper threshold for each
2-16 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual