Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples AUTOSET EXECUTEvertical, horizontal, and trigger controls of the oscilloscope to
automatically acquire and display the selected waveform.
AUTOSet:ENAbleEnables or disables the autoset feature. This is useful for classroom purposes
where the instructor wants the students to achieve the desired instrument settings
without the benefit of the autoset feature. This setting is not saved in setup files or
SET? or *LRN? queries. The default state is 1 (autoset enabled).
Group Miscellaneous
Syntax AUTOSet:ENAble {OFF|ON|0|1}
Arguments OFFor0disables autoset.
ON or 1 enables autoset.
Examples AUTOSET:ENABLE 1 enables the front-panel Autoset button.
AUTOSET:ENABLE? might return AUTOSET:ENABLE 0 indicating that the autoset
feature is disabled.
AUXin? (Query Only)Returns all auxiliary input parameters.
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin?
AUXin:PRObeReturns all information concerning the probe attached to auxilary input.
Group Vertical
Syntax AUXin:PRObe
2-78 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual