Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax HEADer {OFF|ON|<NR1>}
Related Commands VERBose
Arguments OFF sets the Response Header Enable State to false. This causes the oscilloscope
to omit headers on query responses, so that only the argument is returned.
ON sets the Response Header Enable State to true. This causes the oscilloscope
to include headers on applicable query responses. You can then use the query
response as a command.
<NR1> = 0 sets the Response Header Enable State to false; any other value sets
this state to true.
Examples HEADER OFF species that the oscilloscope omits headers on query responses,
so that only the argument is returned.
HEADER? might return :HEADER 1 indicating that the oscilloscope is including
headers on applicable query responses.
HORizontal? (Query Only)
Returns all settings for the horizontal commands.
Group Horizontal
Syntax HORizontal?
Examples HORIZONTAL? might return the following horizontal settings
Sets or returns the horizontal delay mode.
Group Horizontal
2-186 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual