Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Sets or returns the mid reference level for channel <x>, where x is the
measurement channel.
Group Measurement
Syntax MEASUrement:REFLevel:PERCent:MID<x> <NR3>
Arguments <NR3> is the mid reference level in percent.
MEASUrement:SNAPShot (No Query Form)
Displays the measurement snapshot list on the oscilloscope screen. The list
contains the immediate values for all available measurements of the active signal.
Group Measurement
Syntax MEASUrement:SNAPShot
MEASUrement:STATIstics (No Query Form)
Clears all of the statistics accumulated for all periodic measurements (MEAS1
through MEAS4).
The query form returns statistic settings.
Group Measurement
Syntax MEASUrement:STATIstics RESET
Arguments RESET clears the measurements.
Controls the operation and display of management statistics.
2-234 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual