Command Groups
Table 2-34: Waveform TransferCommands (cont.)Command Description
DATa:SOUrce Setsor returns the location of waveform data
transferred from the oscilloscope
DATa:STARt Sets or returns the starting point in waveform
DATa:STOP Setsor returns the ending data point in
waveform transfer
WAVFrm? Returns a branch query containing waveform
data in either binary or ASCII format,
waveform formatting data, and the location
of the waveform data source
WFMInpre? Returns the waveform formatting
specification to be applied to the next
incoming CURVE command data
WFMInpre:BIT_Nr Sets or returns the number of bits per binary
waveform point for the incoming waveform
WFMInpre:BN_Fmt Sets or returns the format of binary data for
the incoming waveform
WFMInpre:BYT_Nr Sets or returns the data width for the
incoming waveform
WFMInpre:BYT_Or Sets or returns the byte order of waveform
points for the incoming waveform
WFMInpre:ENCdg Sets or returns the type of encoding for
incoming waveform data
WFMInpre:NR_Pt Sets or returns the number of points in the
incoming waveform record
WFMInpre:PT_Fmt Sets or returns the point format of incoming
waveform data
WFMInpre:PT_Off This query always returns a 0
WFMInpre:XINcr Sets or returns the horizontal sampling
interval between incoming waveform points
WFMInpre:XUNit Sets or returns the horizontal units of the
incoming waveform
WFMInpre:XZEro Sets or returns the time of the first point in
the incoming waveform
WFMInpre:YMUlt Sets or returns the vertical scale factor, per
digitizing level, of the incoming waveform
WFMInpre:YOFf Sets or returns the vertical position of the
incoming waveform in digitizing levels
WFMInpre:YUNit Sets or returns the vertical units of the
incoming waveform
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-65