Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
MARK:SELected:ZOOm:POSition? (Query Only)Returns the position of the selected mark, 0 to 100% of the zoom overview
Group Mark
Syntax MARK:SELected:ZOOm:POSition?
MARK:TOTal? (Query Only)Returns how many marks are currently in use.
Group Mark
Syntax MARK:TOTal?
{MATH|MATH1}:LABelSets or queries the waveform label for the math waveform.
Group Math
Syntax {MATH|MATH1}:LABel <QString>
Arguments <QString> is the quoted string used as the label for the math waveform.
Examples MATH:LABEL “Output” sets the label for the math waveform to Output.
MATH:LABEL? might return MATH:LABEL "Sum of channel 1 and
channel 2" indicating the current label for the math waveform.
MATH[1]? (Query Only)Returns the definition of the math waveform. The returned data depends on the
setting of the MATH[1]:TYPecommand.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-197