Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Examples DIAG:STATE EXECute starts diagnostics.
DISplay? (Query Only)
Returns the current display settings.
Group Display
Syntax DISplay?
Sets or returns whether the oscilloscope displays the date and time. The query
form of this command returns an ON (1) or an OFF (0).
Group Display
Syntax DISplay:CLOCk {ON|OFF|<NR1>}
Related Commands DATE,TIME
Arguments ON enables the display of date and time.
OFF disables the display of date and time.
<NR1> = 0 disables the display of date and time; any other value enables the
display of date and time.
Examples DISPLAY:CLOCK ON enables display of date and time.
DISPLAY:CLOCK? might return :DISPLAY:CLOCK 1 indicating that the display
of date and time is currently enabled.
Sets or returns the number of available digital waveform position slots.
NOTE. If the number of live digital channels exceeds the number of slots, their
height is reduced to a smaller size, allowing all digital channels to be displayed.
2-158 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual