Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax DIAg:LOOP:OPTion:NTIMes <NR1>
Arguments <NR1> is the number of self-test loops.
Examples DIAG:LOOP:OPTION:NTIMES 3 sets the self-test loop to run three times.
indicating the self-test loop is set to run five times.
DIAg:LOOP:STOP (No Query Form)Stops the self-test at the end of the current loop.
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
Examples DIAG:LOOP:STOP stops the self test at the end of the current loop.
DIAg:RESUlt:FLAg? (Query Only)Returns the pass/fail status from the last self-test sequence execution. Use this
query to determine which test(s) has failed.
Group Calibration and Diagnostic
Syntax DIAg:RESUlt:FLAg?
Related Commands DIAg:RESUlt:LOG?
Returns PASS indicates that all of the selected self (diagnostic) tests have passed.
FAIL indicates that at least one of the selected self (diagnostic) tests has failed.
IN PROGRESS indicates that at least one of the selected self (diagnostic) tests is
NOT RUN indicates that the selected diagnostic test suite has not been run since
the instrument was powered on.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-155