Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments OFF or <NR1> =0t
urns alias expansion off. If a de nedaliasissentwhen
ALIas:STATE is OFF, a command error (102) is generated.
ON or <NR1>0tu
rns alias expansion on. When a dened alias is received, the
specied command sequence is substituted for the alias and executed.
Examples ALIAS[:STATE] OFF turns the command alias feature off.
ALIAS[:STATE]? returns 0 when the alias feature is off.
ALLEv? (Query Only)
Prompts the oscilloscope to return all events and their messages (delimited by
commas), and removes the returned events from the Event Queue. Use the *ESR?
query to enable the events to be returned. This command is similar to repeatedly
sending *EVMsg? queries to the oscilloscope.
Group Status and Error
Syntax ALLEv?
Related Commands *ESR?,EVMsg?
Examples ALLEV? might return :ALLEV 2225,"Measurement error, No waveform
to measure; "420,"Query UNTERMINATED;"
AUTOSet (No Query Form)
Sets the vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls of the oscilloscope to
automatically acquire and display the selected waveform.
Group Miscellaneous
Syntax AUTOSet {EXECute|UNDo}
Arguments EXECute autosets the displayed waveform.
UNDo restores the oscilloscope settings to those present prior to the autoset
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-77