Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
<NR1> a0turnso
ff the B trigger; any other value activates the B trigger.
Examples TRIGGER:B:STATE ON sets the B trigger to active, making it capable of causing
trigger events.
TRIGGER:B:STATE? might return :TRIGGER:B:STATE 0indicating that the B
trigger is inactive and that only the A trigger causes trigger events.
Sets or returns B trigger delay time. The B Trigger time applies only if
TRIGger:B:BY is set to TIMe.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:B:TIMe <NR3>
Related Commands TRIGger:B:BY,TRIGger:B:EVENTS:COUNt
Arguments <NR3> is the B trigger delay time in seconds.
Examples TRIGGER:B:TIME 4E-6 sets the B trigger delay time to 4 µs.
TRIGGER:B:TIME? might return :TRIGGER:B:TIME 16.0000E-9 indicating
that the B trigger time is set to 16 ns.
Sets or returns the type of B trigger. The only supported B trigger type is EDGE.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:B:TYPe EDGE
Related Commands TRIGger:A:TYPe
Arguments EDGE sets the B trigger type to edge.
2-470 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual