Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Returns SECONDS,HERTZ,DEGREES,orPERCENT, depending on the current vertical bar
cursor units.
Examples CURSOR:VBARS:UNITS HERtz sets the units of the VBArs cursors to 1/seconds.
indicating that the units for the vertical bar cursor are currently set to seconds.
CURSor:VBArs:USE (No Query Form)Sets the vertical bar cursor measurement scale.
Conditions This command is only applicable when ratio cursors are on.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:VBArs:USE {CURrent|HALFgrat|FIVEdivs}
Related Commands CURSor:VBArs:UNIts
Arguments CURrent sets the V Bar measurement scale so that 0% is the current position of
the left-most V Bar cursor and 100% is the current position of the right-most
HALFgrat resets the ratio range to the default positions on the screen, half of the
number of horizontal divisions (five on the MSO/DPO4000), from 25% to 75%
of the screen.
FIVEdivs sets V Bar measurement scale so that 5 screen major divisions is
100%, where 0% is -2.5 divisions and 100% is +2.5 divisions from the center
vertical graticule.
Examples CURSOR:VBARS:USE CURRENT sets the V Bar measurement scale to use the
current cursor positions as 0% and 100% of scale if units are set to %.
CURSor:VBArs:VDELTa? (Query Only)Returns the vertical difference between the two vertical bar cursor ticks.
Group Cursor
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-139