Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax CURSor:HBArs:UNIts {BASE|PERcent}
Arguments BASE selects the vertical units for the selected waveform.
PERcent selects ratio cursors.
Examples CURSOR:HBARS:UNITS might return :CURSOR:HBARS:UNITS BASE indicating
that the units for the horizontal bar cursors are base.
CURSor:HBArs:USE (No Query Form)
Sets the horizontal bar cursor measurement scale. This command is only
applicable when ratio cursors are on.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:HBArs:USE {CURrent|HALFgrat}
Related Commands CURSor:HBArs:UNIts
Arguments CURrent sets the H Bar measurement scale so that 0% is the current position of the
lowest H Bar cursor and 100% is the current position of the highest H Bar cursor.
HALFgrat sets H Bar measurement scale so that half the screen major divisions
(ve on the MSO/DPO4000) is 100%, where 0% is -2.5 divisions and 100% is
+2.5 divisions from the center horizontal graticule.
Examples CURSOR:HBARS:USE HALFGRAT sets the H Bar measurement scale so that
ve screen major divisions equals 100%.
Sets or returns whether the two cursors move linked together in unison or
separately. This applies to the Waveform cursors display mode.
Conditions This command is only applicable when waveform cursors are displayed.
Group Cursor
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-135