Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
*CLS can suppress a Service Request that is to be generated by an *OPC. This
will happen if a single sequence acquisition operation is still being processed
when the *CLS command is executed.
Group Status and Error
Syntax *CLS
Related Commands DESE,*ESE,*ESR?,EVENT?,EVMsg?,*SRE,*STB?
Examples *CLS clears the oscilloscope status data structures.
CURSor?Returns all of the current cursor settings.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor?
Examples CURSOR? might return the following as the current cursor settings:
-19.0006E-6;POSITION2 -18.9994E-6;UNITS SECONDS
CURSor:DDT? (Query Only)Returns the cursor deltaY/deltaT (dY/dT) readout.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:DDT?
Examples CURSOR:DDT? might return :CURSOR:DDT -166.6670 indicating that the
cursor dV/dt read out is -166.6670
2-132 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual