Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Vertical
Syntax REF<x>:VERTical:POSition <NR3>
Related Commands CH<x>:POSition,MATH[1]:VERTical:POSition
Arguments <NR3> is the desired position, in divisions from the center horizontal graticule.
The range is from -5.0 to 5.0 divisions.
Examples REF2:VERTICAL:POSITION 1.3E+00 positions the Reference 2 input signal
1.3 divisions above the center horizontal graticule.
-1.3000E+00 indicating that the current position of Reference 1 is 1.3 divisions
below the center horizontal graticule.
Sets or returns the vertical scale for the reference waveform specied by <x>,
where x is the reference channel number.
Each waveform has a vertical scale parameter. For a signal with constant
amplitude, increasing the Scale causes the waveform to be displayed smaller.
Decreasing the scale causes the waveform to be displayed larger.
Scale affects all waveforms, but affects reference and math waveforms differently
from channel waveforms:
For reference and math waveforms, this setting controls the display only,
graphically scaling these waveforms and having no affect on the acquisition
For channel waveforms, this setting controls the vertical size of the acquisition
window as well as the display scale. The range and resolution of scale
values depends on the probe attached and any other external factors you have
Group Vertical
Syntax REF<x>:VERTical:SCAle <NR3>
Related Commands CH<x>:SCAle,MATH[1]:VERTical:SCAle
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-321