Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Sets the upper threshold for each channel. This applies to all search and trigger
types that use the channel.
Group Bus
Syntax BUS:UPPerthreshold:CH<x> {<NR3>|ECL|TTL}
Arguments <NR3> species the threshold in volts.
ECL species a preset ECL high level of -1.3V.
TTL species a preset TTL high level of 1.4V.
Examples BUS:UPPERTHRESHOLD:CH1 800.0000E-3 sets the CH1 upper threshold to
800 mV.
-800.0000E-3 indicating that the CH1 upper threshold is set to -800 mV.
BUSY? (Query Only)
Returns the status of the oscilloscope. This command allows you to synchronize
the operation of the oscilloscope with your application program.
Group Status and Error
Syntax BUSY?
Related Commands *OPC,*WAI
Returns <NR1> = 0 means the oscilloscope is not busy processing a command whose
execution time is extensive.
<NR1> = 1 means the oscilloscope is busy processing one of the commands listed
in the table below.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-113