Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Sets or returns the cursor type. Cursors are attached to the selected waveform in
Waveform mode and are attached to the display area in Screen mode.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:FUNCtion {OFF|SCREEN|WAVEform}
Arguments OFF removes the cursors from the display but does not change the cursor type.
SCREEN species both horizontal and vertical bar cursors, which measure the
selected waveform in horizontal and vertical units. Use these cursors to measure
anywhere in the waveform display area.
WAVEform species paired cursors in YT display format for measuring waveform
amplitude and time. In XY and XYZ format, these cursors indicate the amplitude
positions of an XY pair (Ch1 vs Ch2 voltage, where Ch1 is the X axis and Ch2 is
the Y axis) relative to the trigger.
Examples CURSOR:FUNCTION WAVEFORM selects the paired cursors for measuring waveform
amplitude and time.
CURSOR:FUNCTION? might return :CURSor:FUNCtion SCREEN indicating that
the screen cursors are currently selected.
CURSor:HBArs? (Query Only)
Returns the current settings for the horizontal bar cursors.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:HBArs?
Examples CURSOR:HBARS? might return the horizontal
bar setting as :CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION1
320.0000E-03;POSITION2-320.0000E-03;UNITS BASE
CURSor:HBArs:DELTa? (Query Only)
Returns the vertical difference between the two horizontal bar cursors.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-133