Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Table 2-36: Channel Offset Range (cont.)
Offset range
V/Div Setting 1 MInput 50 Input
±100 V ±5 V
5.05 V/div — 10 V/div
±50 V N/A
1For 50 input, 1 V/div is the maximum setting.
NOTE. The above table describes oscilloscope behavior only when no probe is
attached, and when the external attenuation factor is 1.0.
Group Vertical
Syntax CH<x>:OFFSet <NR3>
Related Commands CH<x>:POSition
Arguments <NR3> is the offset value for the specied channel <x>.
Examples CH3:OFFSet 2.0E-3 sets the offset for channel 3 to 2 mV.
CH4:OFFSet? might return :CH4:OFFSET 1.0000E-03 indicating that the
offset for channel 4 is set to 1 mV.
Sets or returns the vertical position of channel <x>, where x is the channel
number. The position value is applied to the signal before it is digitized.
Increasing the position value of a waveform causes the waveform to move up.
Decreasing the position value causes the waveform to move down. The position
value determines the vertical graticule coordinate at which input signal values,
minus the present offset setting for that channel, are displayed. For example,
if the position for Channel 3 is set to 2.0 and the offset is set to 3.0, then input
signals equal to 3.0 units are displayed 2.0 divisions above the center of the screen
(at 1 V/div).
Group Vertical
2-122 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual