Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
HSmode specifies a high-speed mode address.
EEPROM specifies an EEPROM address.
USER specifies a user address.
TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:ADDRess:VALueSets or returns the binary address string used for the I2C trigger if the trigger
condition is ADDRESS or ADDRANDDATA.Applies to bus <x>, where x is the
bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4EMBD application module.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:ADDRess:VALue <QString>
Arguments <QString> is up to 7 or 10-bits depending on the address mode that specifies the
address.TheonlyallowedcharactersintheQString are0,1,andX.
Examples TRIGGER:A:BUS:B1:I2C:ADDRESS:VALUE 1011 sets the I2C address value
to XXX1011.
TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:CONDitionSets or returns the trigger condition for an I2C trigger. Applies to bus <x>, where
x is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4EMBD application module.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:I2C:CONDition
2-414 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual