Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments FALL sets falling edge as the switching loss gate polarity.
RISe sets rising edge as the switching loss gate polarity.
Examples POWER:SWLOSS:GATE:POLARITY FALL sets the gate polarity to Fall.
:POWER:SWLOSS:GATE:POLARITY RISE indicating that the gate polarity
is set to Rise.
Sets or returns the gate turn on level for switching loss power measurements.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Syntax POWer:SWLoss:GATe:TURNON <NR3>
Examples POWER:SWLOSS:GATE:TURNON 3.5 sets the gate turn on level to 3.5000.
1.5 indicating that the gating turn on level is set to 1.5.
POWer:SWLoss:NUMCYCles? (Query Only)
Returns the number of cycles counted for the switching loss calculation.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4PWR application module.
Group Power
Syntax POWer:SWLoss:NUMCYCles? <NR3>
Examples POWER:SWLOSS:NUMCYCLES? might return the number of cycles for
switching loss calculation, if the POWer:TYPe is set to Switching Loss
(POWer:TYPe:SWITCHingLoss). If the query times out with the Switching
2-302 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual