Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax D<x>
Sets or returns the waveform label for digital channel <x>, where x is the channel
Group Vertical
Syntax D<x>:LABel <Qstring>
Arguments <Qstring> is an alphanumeric string of text, enclosed in quotes, that contains the
text label information for the digital channel <x> waveform. The text string is
limited to 30 characters.
Examples D4:LABEL? might return :D4:LABEL “Clk Wfm 4”.
Sets or returns the vertical position for digital channel <x>, where x is the channel
NOTE. Unlike analog channels, which use the center baseline as the zero point,
digital channels use the bottom logic level as the zeropoint. Because of the slot
model used to describe digital channel position, the oscilloscope rounds off
divisions to the nearest slot.
Group Vertical
Syntax D<x>:POSition <NR3>
Arguments <NR3> is the position of the digital channel in slot units. Use the oscilloscope
front-panel controls to place the channel; then query the channel to obtain an
exact value for the position.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-163