Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Display
Syntax DISplay:DIGital:HEIght {SMAll|MEDium|LARge}
Arguments SMAll sets the height to 40.
MEDium sets the height to 20.
LARge sets the height to 10.
Sets or returns the display format.
Group Display
Syntax DISplay:FORMat {YT|XY}
Arguments YT sets the display to a voltage versus time format and is the default mode.
XY argument displays one waveform against another. Selecting one source causes
its corresponding source to be implicitly selected, producing a single trace from
the two input waveforms.
Examples DISPLAY:FORMAT XY sets the display format to XY.
DISPLAY:FORMAT? might return DISPLAY:FORMAT YT indicating the display
format is YT.
Selects or queries the type of graticule the oscilloscope displays.
Group Display
Syntax DISplay:GRAticule {CROSSHair|FRAme|FULl|GRId}
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-159