Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
WFMInpre:XINcrSets or returns the horizontal interval between incoming waveform points in
units specified by WFMInpre:XUNit.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:XINcr <NR3>
Related Commands WFMInpre:XUNit,WFMOutpre:XINcr?
Arguments <NR3> is the horizontal interval representation.
Examples WFMINPRE:XINCR 3E-3 sets the interval between incoming waveform points
WFMINPRE:XINCR ? might return :WFMINPRE:XINCR 1.0000E-3 indicating
that if WFMInpre:XUNit is set to "s", there is a 1 ms interval between incoming
waveform points.
WFMInpre:XUNitSets or returns the horizontal units of the incoming waveform.
Supported units are:
%, /Hz, A, A/A, A/V,A/W, A/dB, A/s, AA, AW, AdB, As, B, Hz, IRE, S/s, V,
V/A, V/V,V/W, V/dB, V/s, VV,VW, VdB, Volts, Vs, W,W/A, W/V, W/W,W/dB,
dBdB, day, degrees, div,hr, min, ohms, percent, s
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:XUNit <QString>
Related Commands WFMOutpre:XUNit?
Arguments <QString> contains a maximum of three alpha characters that represent the
horizontal unit of measure for the incoming waveform.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-483