Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Related Commands WFMOutpre:ENCdg
Arguments ASCii specifies that the incoming data is in ASCII format.
BINary specifies that the incoming data is in a binary format whose further
interpretation requires knowledge of BYT_NR, BIT_NR, BN_FMT, and
Examples WFMINPRE:ENCDG ASC sets the format of incoming waveform data to ASCII
WFMINPRE:ENCDG ? might return :WFMINPRE:ENCDG BIN indicating that the
incoming waveform data is in binary format.
WFMInpre:NR_PtSets or returns the number of data points that are in the incoming waveform record.
Group Waveform Transfer
Syntax WFMInpre:NR_Pt <NR1>
Related Commands CURVe,DATa,DATa:STARt,DATa:STOP,SAVe:WAVEform,
Arguments <NR1> is the number of data points if WFMInpre:PT_Fmt is set to Y.It is the
number of min-max pairs if WFMInpre:PT_Fmt is set to ENV.
Examples WFMINPRE:NR_PT 10000 specifies that 10000 data points will be expected.
WFMINPRE:NR_PT ? might return :WFMINPRE:NR_PT 10000 indicating that
there are 10000 data points in the expected incoming waveform record.
WFMInpre:PT_FmtSets or returns the point format of the incoming waveform data. Regardless of
the argument used, the scale, offset, and so on are interpreted similarly. When
ENV is used, waveform data is interpreted over the min-max pair; when Y is
used, it is interpreted over a single point.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-481