Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Syntax MATH[1]:VERTical:UNIts?
Examples MATH:VERTICAL:UNITS? might return MATH:VERTICAL:UNITS "joules"
indicating that the math vertical unit label for unknown values is joules.
MATHVAR? (Query Only)
Queries both numerical values you can use within math expressions.
Group Math
Related Commands MATHVAR:VAR<x>,MATH[1]:DEFine
Returns <NR3> are the stored numerical values.
Examples MATHVAR? returns the values of all variables stored in locations 1 through 2.
Sets or returns one of two different numerical values you can use within math
expressions. These values can range from -10.0e-18 to 1.0e+15; the default values
are 0.0. <x> species the location, 1 or 2, in which you can store values. Stored
math variables can be referenced within math expressionsas VAR1 and VAR2.
For example, the following command denes MATH1 as the product of Channel
th variable 1: MATH1:DEFINE "CH1 * VAR1".
Group Math
Syntax MATHVAR:VAR<x> <NR3>
Related Commands MATHVAR:VAR<x>,MATH[1]:DEFine
Arguments <NR3> species the numerical value to be stored in location x <1 through 2>.
2-204 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual