Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Sets or returns whether to check for a transitioning signal that is faster or slower
than the specied delta time.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:WHEn
Arguments FASTer sets the trigger to occur when the signal transition time is faster than the
time set by TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:DELTatime.
SLOWer sets the trigger to occur when the signal transition time is slower than the
time set by.TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:DELTatime.
EQual sets the trigger to occur when the signal transition time is equal to the time
set by TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:DELTatime.
UNEQual sets the trigger to occur when the signal transition time is not equal to
the time set by TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:DELTatime.
Examples TRIGGER:A:TRANSITION:WHEN SLOWER sets the trigger to occur
when the signal transition time is slower than the time set by the
TRIGger:A{:TRANsition|:RISEFall}:DELTatime command.
Sets or returns the type of A trigger. Once you have set the trigger type,
you may also need to identify the associated trigger class. For details on
selecting Logic and Pulse trigger classes, see TRIGger:A:LOGIc:CLAss and
TRIGger:A:PULse:CLAss respectively.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:TYPe {EDGe|LOGic|PULSe|BUS|VIDeo}
Related Commands TRIGger:A:EDGE?,TRIGger:A:LOGIc:CLAss,TRIGger:A:PULse:CLAss
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