Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN:DATa:VALue <QString>
Arguments <QString> is the CAN data value in binary format. The only allowed characters
in the QString are0,1,andX.
Examples TRIGGER:A:BUS:B1:CAN:DATA:VALUE 1011 sets the CAN data value to 1011.
<x>, where x is the bus number.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4AUTO application module. This command is
only valid when the TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN:CONDition is FRAMETYPE.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:BUS:B<x>:CAN:FRAMEtype
Arguments DATA speciesadataframetype.
REMote species a remote frame type.
ERRor species an error frame type.
OVERLold species an overload frame type.
Examples TRIGGER:A:BUS:B1:CAN:FRAMETYPE DATA sets the CAN trigger frame type
to DATA.
Sets or returns the CAN addressing mode for bus <x>, where x is the bus number.
Use this command to do the following:
2-400 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual