Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Mode is on, this command stores a new horizontal position that is used when
Horizontal Delay Mode is turned off.
Group Horizontal
Syntax HORizontal:POSition <NR3>
Related Commands HORizontal:DELay:TIMe
Arguments <NR3> is the horizontal position expressed as the percentage of the waveform
acquired before the trigger.
Examples HORIZONTAL:POSITION 50 sets the horizontal position to 50%.
indicating that the horizontal position is set to 100%.
HORizontal:PREViewstate? (Query Only)Returns a boolean value to indicate whether the display system is in the preview
Group Horizontal
Syntax HORizontal:PREViewstate?
Returns <NR1> = 1 if the display system is in the preview state.
<NR1> = 0 if the display system is not in the preview state.
HORizontal:RECOrdlengthSets the horizontal record length. The query form of this command return s the
current horizontal record length.
Group Horizontal
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-189