Command Syntax
Table 2-2: Command Message Elements
Symbol Meaning
<Header> This is the basic command name. If the header ends with a question
mark, the command is a query. The header may begin with a colon
(:) character. If the command is concatenated with other commands,
the beginning colon is required. Never use the beginning colon with
command headers beginning with a star (*).
<Mnemonic> This is a header subfunction. Some command headers have only one
mnemonic. If a command header has multiple mnemonics, a colon (:)
character always separates them from each other.
<Argument>This is a quantity,quality, restriction, or limit associated with the header.
Some commands have no arguments while others have multiple
arguments. A <space>separates arguments fromthe header. A
<comma> separates arguments from each other.
<Comma> A single comma is used between arguments of multiple-argument
commands. Optionally, there may be white space characters before
and after the comma.
<Space> A white space character is used between a command header and the
related argument. Optionally, a white space may consist of multiple
white space characters.
Commands Commands cause the oscilloscope to perform a specic function or change one of
the settings. Commands have the structure:
[:]<Header>[<Space><Argument>[<Comma> <Argument>]...]
A command header consists of one or more mnemonics arranged in a hierarchical
or tree structure. The rst mnemonic is the base or root of the tree and each
subsequent mnemonic is a level or branch off the previous one. Commands at a
higher level in the tree may affect those at a lower level. The leading colon (:)
always returns you to the base of the command tree.
2-2 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual