Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Sets or returns the horizontal position for the specied vertical bar cursor. The
cursor is specied by <x>, which can be 1 or 2. Values are with respect to trigger
position or the zero reference point for the designated waveform (if horizontal
units are not set to time). Use the CURSor:VBArs:UNIts command to specify
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:VBArs:POSITION<x> <NR3>
Related Commands CURSor:VBArs:UNIts
Arguments <NR3> species the cursor position.
Returns Aoating point value with an exponent.
Examples CURSor:VBArs:POSITION2 9.00E-6 positions the cursor2 vertical bar cursor
at 9 ms.
CURSor:VBArs:POSITION1? this command might return
:CURSOR:VBARS:POSITION1 1.0000E-06 indicating that the
cursor1 vertical bar is positioned at 1 μs.
Sets or returns the units for the vertical bar cursors.
Group Cursor
Syntax CURSor:VBArs:UNIts {SEConds|HERtz|DEGrees|PERcent}
Arguments SEConds sets the units of the vertical bar cursors for the time domain (seconds).
HERtz sets the units of the vertical bar cursors for the frequency domain (Hertz).
DEGrees sets the units to degrees for measuring phase.
PERcent sets the units to percent for use with ratio cursors.
2-138 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual