Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
RATE50 sets the range of the video line scan rate to 50 kHz through 65 kHz
Examples TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:CUSTOM:SCAN RATE15 sets the scan rate of the A trigger
custom video to Rate 1, which is 15 kHz to 20 kHz (standard broadcast rate).
CUSTOM:SCAN RATE20 indicating that the video line rate for the A trigger custom
video is set to Rate20, which is 20 kHz to 25 kHz.
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CUSTom:SYNCIntervalSets or queries the sync interval for the standard under test. This is only required
for BiLevel Custom. Use this command only when the video format is set to
Conditions This command requires a DPO4VID application module.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:VIDeo:CUSTom:SYNCInterval <NR3>
Arguments <NR3> is the sync interval.
Examples TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:CUSTOM:SYNCINTERVAL 4.0E-6 sets the sync interval is
set to 4.0 μs.
TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:CUSTOM:SYNCINTERVAL 4.7200E-6 indicating the sync
interval is set to 4.72 μs.
TRIGger:A:VIDeo:HDtv:FORMatSets or returns the HDTV video signal format on which to trigger.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4VID application module.
Group Trigger
2-458 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual