Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
Arguments <NR3> species the propagation time delay for the connected probe.
Examples CH1:PROBE:PROPDELAY 100E-12 sets the CH1 propagation delay to 100 ps.
indicating that the CH1 propagation delay is set to 1.1 ns.
CH<x>:PRObe:RECDESkew? (Query Only)
Returns the recommended deskew for the probe connected to the specied
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Syntax CH<x>:PRObe:RECDESkew?
CH<x>:PRObe:RESistance? (Query Only)
Returns the resistance factor of the probe attached to channel <x>, where x is the
channel number.
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Syntax CH<x>:PRObe:RESistance?
Examples CH2:PRObe:RESistance? might return :CH2:PROBE:RESISTANCE
10.0000E+6 indicating that the input resistance of the probe attached to Channel
NOTE. This query will return 0.0 if no probe is attached or the attached probe
does not report the input resistance.
Sets or returns the input bypass setting of a TekVPI probe attached to channel
<x>, where x is the channel number. The probe must support input bypass , for
example TCP0001. This command is ignored if sent to an unsupported probe.
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2-128 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual