Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
This command sets or queries message box (screen annotation) parameters.
Group Display
Syntax MESSage
Examples MESSAGE? might return MESSAGE:SHOW "TP401";BOX
271,82,292,114;STATE 0 indicating the message parameters.
Sets or returns the co-ordinates of the message box. This command does not
display the message unless MESSage:STATEis on.
X1 and Y1 are the screen coordinates of the top left corner of the message box.
X2 and Y2 are the screen coordinates of the bottom right corner of the message
box. All four coordinates are returned by the query.
Changing the text in the message box, using the MESSAGE:SHOW command,
automatically resizes the message box. If you want a custom message box
size, send the MESSAGE:BOX command after changing the text using the
Message box settings and data are saved and restored in saved setups.
Group Display
Syntax MESSage:BOX <X1>,<Y1>[,<X2>,<Y2>]
Related Commands MESSage:STATE,MESSage:SHOW,MESSage:CLEAR
Arguments <X1> and <X2> = 0 to 1023, and are pixel positions along the horizontal axis.
<X1> denes the left and <X2> denes the right side of the window.
<Y1> and <Y2> = 0 to 767, and are pixel positions along the vertical axis. <Y1>
denes the top and <Y2> denes the bottom of the window. The reserved height
of all characters is 16 pixels so the window must be at least that high to fully
display characters. <X2> and <Y2> are optional because the MESSAGE:SHOW
2-236 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual