Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
EVMsg? (Query Only)Removes a single event code from the Event Queue that is associated with the
results of the last *ESR? read and returns the event code along with an explanatory
message. For information, see Event Handling.
Group Status and Error
Syntax EVMsg?
Related Commands ALLEv?
Returns The event code and message in the following format:
<Event Code><Comma><QString>[<Event
Code><Comma><QString>...]<QString>::= <Message>;[<Command>] where
<Command> is the command that caused the error and may be returned when a
command error is detected by the oscilloscope. As much of the command will be
returned as possible without exceeding the 60 character limit of the <Message>
and <Command> string combined. The command string is right-justified.
Examples EVMSG? might return :EVMSG 110,"Command header error".
EVQty? (Query Only)Returns the number of event codes in the Event Queue. This is useful when using
the ALLEv? query, which returns the exact number of events.
Group Status and Error
Syntax EVQty?
Related Commands ALLEv?,EVENT?,EVMsg?
Examples EVQTY? might return :EVQTY 3, indicating the number of event codes in the
Event Queue.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-171