Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:HOLDOFF:FIELD 4.5 sets the oscilloscope to wait 4.5 video
elds before rearming the trigger.
Sets or returns the video line number on which the oscilloscope triggers. Use the
TRIGger:A:VIDeo{:SYNC|:FIELD} command to actually trigger the oscilloscope
on the line that you specify with this command.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4VID application module.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:A:VIDeo:LINE <NR1>
Related Commands TRIGger:A:VIDeo{:SYNC|:FIELD}
Arguments <NR1> argument is an integer that sets the video line number on which the
oscilloscope triggers. The following table lists the valid choices, depending on the
active video standard.
Table 2-43: Video Line Numbering Ranges
Video Standard LineNumber Range
525/NTSC 1–525
625/PAL, SECAM 1–625
SECAM 1–625
Examples TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:LINE 23 sets the oscilloscope to trigger on the line 23.
TRIGGER:A:VIDEO:LINE ? might return :TRIGger:A:VIDeo:LINE 10
indicating that the oscilloscope is set to trigger on line 10.
Sets or returns the polarity of the A video trigger.
Conditions This command requires a DPO4VID application module.
2-460 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual