Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
recommended. The path “D:/foo.png” will save an image to the le “foo.png” on
the Compact Flash card.
Sets or returns the le format to use for saving screen images.
NOTE. The le format is not automatically determined by the le name extension.
Youneedtochooseale format with an extension which is consistent with the
selected le format.
Group Save and Recall
Related Commands SAVe:IMAGe
Arguments PNG saves the le in Portable Network Graphics format.
BMP saves the le in Microsoft Windows bitmap format.
TIFf saves the le in Tagged Image File Format.
Sets or returns the current ink saver setting for the SAVe:IMAGe command. If
set to “ON” or “1”, images will be generated using the ink saver palette. If set to
“OFF” or “0”, images will be generated using the standard palette.
Group Save and Recall
Syntax SAVe:IMAGe:INKSaver {OFF|ON|0|1}
Related Commands SAVe:IMAGe
Arguments OFF or 0 generates images from the Inksaver palette.
ON or 1 generates images using the Standard palette.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-325