Command Groups

Table 2 -18: D isplay Commands

Command Description
DISplay? Returns current display settings
DISplay:CLOCk Sets or returns the display of the date/time
DISplay:DIGital:HEIght Sets or returns the number of available digital
waveform position slots
DISplay:GRAticule Sets or returns the type of graticule that is
DISplay:FORMat Sets or returns the display format
DISplay:INTENSITy? Returnsall display intensity settings
DISplay:INTENSITy:BACKLight Setsor returns the backlight intensity for the
DISplay:INTENSITy:GRAticule Sets orreturns the graticuleintensity for the
DISplay:INTENSITy:WAVEform Setsor returns the intensity of the waveforms
DISplay:PERSistence Sets or returns display persistence setting
DISplay:STYle:DOTsonly Setsa dots-only display
MESSage Sets or queries message box (screen
annotation) parameters
MESSage:BOX Sets or returns the coordinates of the
message box
MESSage:CLEAR Clears the contents of the message box.
MESSage:SHOW Sets or returns the contents of the message
MESSage:STATE Controlsthe display of the message box
Ethernet Command Group

Use the commands in the Ethernet Command Group to set up the Ethernet remote


Table 2-19: Ethernet Commands

Command Description
ETHERnet:DHCPbootp Sets or returns the network initialization
search for a DHCP/BOOTP server
ETHERnet:DNS:IPADDress Setsor returns the network Domain Name
Server (Dns) IP address
ETHERnet:DOMAINname Sets or returns the network domain name
ETHERnet:ENET:ADDress? Returnsthe Ethernet address value assigned
to the oscilloscope

2-20 MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual