Commands Listed in Alphabetical Order
<NR3> is the threshold level, in volts.
Sets or queries the lower threshold for the digital channel selected. Each channel
can have an independent level. Used in runt and slew rate as the lower threshold.
Used for all other trigger types as the single level/threshold.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:B:LOWerthreshold:D<x> {<NR3>|ECL|TTL}
Arguments <NR3> species the threshold in volts.
ECL species a preset ECL high level of -1.3V.
TTL species a preset TTL high level of 1.4V.
Examples TRIGGER:B:LOWERTHRESHOLD:D1? might return
TRIGGER:B:LOWERTHRESHOLD:D1 1.4000 indicating the threshold is set to
1.4 volts.
Sets or returns the state of B trigger activity. If the B trigger state is on, the B
trigger is part of the triggering sequence. If the B trigger state is off, then only
the A trigger causes the trigger event.
Group Trigger
Syntax TRIGger:B:STATE {ON|OFF|<NR1>}
Related Commands TRIGger:A:MODe
Arguments ON species that the B trigger is active and in causes trigger events conjunction
with the A trigger.
OFF species that only the A trigger causes trigger events.
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-469