Command Groups
Zoom Command Group
Use the commands in the Zoom Command Group to expand and position the
waveform display horizontally, without changing the time base settings.
Table 2 -35: Zoom Commands
Command Description
ZOOm? Returns the horizontal positioning and
scaling of the zoom display
ZOOm:MODe Sets or returns the zoom mode
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>? Returns the current horizontal positioning
and scaling of the zoom display
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:FACtor? Returnsthe zoom factor of the zoom window.
<x> can only be 1
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:POSition Sets or returns the horizontal position of the
zoom window in terms of 0 to 100% of the
overview window. <x> can only be 1
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:SCAle Sets or returns the horizontal zoom scale of
the zoom window. <x> can only be 1
ZOOm:ZOOM<x>:STATE Speciesor returns a trace as zoomed, on or
off. <x> can only be 1
MSO4000 and DPO4000 Series Programmer Manual 2-67